News – Updates


Annual news

In the latest edition of GPS World (October 2019) you will find some news about our development platform GOOSE. We have a new and better housing and GOOSE was also further refined in a recent project and made more robust, especially for rail applications.

(Picture (c)GPS World 2019)


Report – Report – Report!

We have just published our report from IAC and SGC in Bremen! It is a rather long post so we turned it into a press release to give the text its own space 😉

Check it out: IAC/SGC report


Xin chào from Hanoi!

We safely arrived in Vietnam and are testing our equipment at the NAVIS centre this week.

Our aim is to collect GNSS-data samples to test our technology products with. Especially the signals which can’t be received in Europe are interesting for us – that would be the Japanese QZSS and the Indian NavIC/IRNSS.

Today, we were able to record the first data set. We could use the roof of one uni-building to do the recordings and were offered with great visibility and lovely views all around. The focus for today’s recording was NavIC/IRNSS (mainly the S-Band and L5, but also the whole L-Band). From what we could evaluate already things are looking promising!

Here you can see some images we took during the test. Enjoy!

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Tomorrow, our COO is in Brixen/Bressanone for the eurisy event “Satellite Applications for the Alps“.
If you are there as well come and say hi. We are looking forward to meeting interesting people and having fruitful discussions about all things search & rescue (SAR)!

And from October 15 to 21 he will be in Hanoi at the NAVIS to conduct tests for our SATNAV-technologies. In Hanoi, he will also meet with interested parties and potential users and customers of our tech products. A colleague from Fraunhofer IIS will be with him in Hanoi as well!


Travelogue – Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand – BELS Project

As said 6 weeks ago, here it is: our travelogue about the 10-day trip to south-east Asia our COO did in May.

This trip was made possible thanks to the EU-funded BELS project. Our company had applied for their first call, through which funded companies were taken to different countries and events to connect with local stakeholders and initiate business collaborations.

Funded companies will get their travel expense reimbursed and are treated like VIPs by the BELS team and the helpful and dedicated local partners!

Our COO’s trip was split in two parts. The first week was spent in Vietnam, the second in Malaysia and Thailand.

In Vietnam, he visited the NAVIS test centre, which is located at the Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST). It was founded and funded through an FP7-project with two main tasks in mind: connecting Asian and European companies, and serving as a test centre for European GNSS technology in Asia.

Besides the NAVIS, our COO also visited different potential stakeholders to present TeleOrbit’s products and talk about possible collaborations.

The meetings all went well and future will tell, how successful the trip was.

Before departing to Malaysia and Thailand, there was just enough time for some sightseeing in Hanoi.

On Monday, 22 May, the first workshop in Kuala Lumpur started. There were presentations by local researchers presenting Malaysian research projects as well as product presentations by European companies like ours and fundamental GNSS-related presentations by European Researchers.

Throughout the day, there was enough time for one-on-one meetings with local participants and we found interesting first beginnings for future business.

And finally, on Wednesday, 24 May, there was a second workshop in Bangkok. It was organized similarly to the one in Malaysia and this time it was accompanied by a networking-event after the workshop with invited local companies and the European partners. This more private setting allowed for longer and more detailed discussions about potential business opportunities and was an ideal way of connecting with potential partners and customers.

All in all, the trip was very interesting and positive throughout. Our COO had many opportunities to talk with interesting people and to connect with like-minded people.

We would like to thank the whole BELS team and all local partners for their help and support! Without them, the trip wouldn’t have been this successful!

See you soon!

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Hello friends!

In May, our COO will be in south-east Asia to promote our GNSS-products, especially MGSE. His travels with the BELS project will take him to Hanoi, Vietnam, Kuala-Lumpur, Malaysia and Bangkok, Thailand. In Malaysia and Thailand workshops will be held which are co-organised by local partners. The aim of these workshops is to connect local users and European companies and to impart knowledge, but also inform the participants about interesting products.

Stay tuned for the travelogue which will include many interesting pictures!


Hi everyone,

after the Sat4Alps conference last October, Eurisy put together a report on some of the findings and outcomes of the day. Important participants, speakers and experts were then asked to contribute with their knowledge and recommendations.

“The report analyses the potential and viability of an Alpine critical mass of users that would warrant a continuous, routine use of satellite applications across borders.”

Eurisy planned to forward the report to relevant public authorities to kick-start and speed up the legislative processes, which help the users and service providers like us.

The final report is now online for you to download.

And while you’re around, please check out the interview Eurisy did with our COO during the conference (if you haven’t already done so). It ties in with the topic of the report and offers an interesting perspective.

Thank you and happy new year!


Hi all,

we hope, you’ve had some relaxing with your loved ones!

We wish all customers and partners a successful start into 2017 and that you can realize all your new year’s resolutions!

The TeleOrbit-Team


Hello everyone,

during the Sat4Alps conference in berchtesgaden, Eurisy interviewed our COO. They talked about why it is good to have users of our products present them at events and why it is important to have both users and the industry taking part in conferences like the one in Berchtesgaden.

You can find the full interview here:


Well hello there little thank you letter from Eurisy

Thank you as well from all of us at TeleOrbit GmbH!
We really enjoyed working with you and supporting this great event bringing together users, the industry and public organisations from many European countries.
We had interesting talks with different people which were very encouraging and fruitful.
Thank you again #Sat4Alps conference participants, Eurisy and Wirtschaftsförderung Berchtesgadener Land!
Here is the #Storify for the event: click


(c)2016 European Commission

From Sept. 26 to Sept. 28, our CEO attended the HORIZON 2020 Stakeholder Consultation Workshop, which took place in Brussels.

The workshop was divided into six different sessions: EO (earth observation), space tech, in-orbit demonstration/validation and access to space, space science and space environment, EGNSS – focus on applications and market uptake, and EGNSS – infrastructures, mission and services.

Two to three panels and additional, framing talks about the context and orientations or the overview of (European) associations of stakeholders turned each session into a valuable, compact experience that gave the participants an in-depth view of each topic.

Our CEO spoke in session six, panel 6.2 “Mission and Services” and talked about the evolution of EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service), focusing on EDAS (EGNOS Data Access Service).

The most important results of the discussion were the following:

  1. EGNOS should be further extended to the north (arctic regions), the east (Ukraine), and the south (Africa). Here, not only the RIMS-network is considered but also the EGNOS SiS coverage (Galileo 2nd generation) with EGNOS payload or a regional component using IGSOs (Incline Geo-Synchronous Orbit)
  2. EGNSO V3 includes Galileo, GPS and GLONASS and uses two frequencies (L1 and L5). EGNOS V4 should include additional constellations, e.g. Beidou, and should be extended to three or four frequencies.
  3. EDAS is an important component for rail, automotive, LBS and security. The EDAS offer should contain additional data products, e.g. information to correct “tropospheric errors”. The panelists and audience discussed that local services could contain additional information about jamming or spoofing attacks to issue warnings to the user and enable him/her to compensate the attack.

If you follow the link you can download the presentation, our CEO gave at the workshop: Dropbox


“Other companies like #TeleOrbit, a German provider of European #GNSS high technology products and customized mobile positioning solutions, have also capitalized on the scheme by securing a partnership with a major Indian Steel company.
TeleOrbits’ MODIS-Drish, a customized personal #securitysystem made for lone workers in difficult environmental scenarios was first deployed with Indian miners in 2015. Further deployments are to follow.”
Read the full article here:

Now Open for Business: Asia, Europe & GNSS applications


Part Time Scientist
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Last week, on Wednesday and Thursday, our COO attended a conference organised by ESA and hosted by the Science Museum in London.

Both days were dedicated to space, learning more about the ISS and all the valuable research that has been carried out in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) in the past +15 years. Not only did the audience learn about space, they also enjoyed presentations from members of various different business sectors and learned about the positive effects, space exploration and research had on their specific branch.

Some important insights into the current and future events and undertakings were presented by key businessmen and –women such as

Ian Blatchford, Director and Chief Executive of the Science Museum Group

David Willetts, Chair of the British Science Association – Trustee, Science Museum Group

Johann-Dietrich Woerner, Director General, ESA

Sam Scimeni, Director for International Space Station, NASA

Takashi Hamazaki, Director General of Human Spaceflight Technology Directorate, JAXA

David Parker, Director of Human Spaceflight and Robotic Exploration, ESA

Luca Del Monte, Office for Relations with Industry, ESA

Maria van der Hoeven, Former Minister of Economics, and Minister of Science and Education, The Netherland

Jean-Claude Worms, CEO, European Science Foundation

and many more, including active astronauts Luca Parmitano and Timothy Peake

You can find the full program on the dedicated conference website.

A quote from the website:

We did welcome leaders from both within and outside the space community – coming together to discuss the broader implications of space-based research. This was an event for those working at the forefront of science and technology on Earth and who want to learn how the laboratory of space could help them address their challenges – practically and affordably.

Alongside colleagues from international space agencies and space-focused businesses, the event appealed to scientists, politicians, academics, journalists, public servants and representatives from the private sector – indeed, any organisation with an interest in science, engineering or public policy. Hosted by the European Space Agency (ESA)’s Directorate of Human Spaceflight and Robotic Exploration, the event appealed to a truly global audience, and this is reflected the choice of London: a city with excellent air links.

Now we want to share many different things with you, videos, apps and some more insight into the space community since a lot that happens “out there” is truly breathtaking. If you’re interested tweets from the conference, you can check out Daniel’s Twitter account as well as search for the hashtag #space4inspiration.

Enjoy and be curious!

Personal webpages of Astronauts Luca Parmitano and Tim Peake:

“Medical doctor Beth Healey had the chance to live the adventure of a lifetime. The European Space Agency offered her to travel to Antarctica and spend over a year at the Concordia station. Mission: to conduct research experiments on the international crew for future human spaceflight missions.” Check out the videos!

ISS Research Explorer – dive into all the scientific experiments that have been conducted on the ISS:

Inspiring video no. 1: ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst took ca. 12500 pictures during his stay on the ISS:

Inspiring video no. 2: ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen talks about his fascination for space and about the effects of human spaceflight on our lives:

More inspiring and educational videos:

More pictures from the conference:

An interesting report about “NewSpace – New Business Models at the Interface of Space Industry and Digital Economy”, put together by SpaceTec Capital Partners.


Last week Eurisy published an article about our satellite-based operations control system for a more effective and a more coordinated proceeding of the rescue forces in alpine rescue missions (SARONTAR). The article is part of Eurisy’s Good Practices series.

You can find the link here.

About Eurisy:

“Eurisy raises awareness of emerging satellite applications which can help professional communities in many sectors of application: from transport to risk management, from habitat protection to energy, from climate change to the Internet of Things, to name a few.

Eurisy supports potential end-users of satellite applications by leveraging its network to make available experience and expertise for them.

On the basis of its field work with end-users, Eurisy provides feedback to decision-makers on possible measures to overcome obstacles to the diffusion of space-derived innovation in society.”


On Thursday, our NAMES©-consortium holds a meeting in Lichtenstein near Chemnitz at our partner acx’s demonstration ground. We will talk about the progress of the project and plan the upcoming demo-phase. On Friday, TeleOrbit® will meet up with avendi, one of the partners for the demo.

If everything goes as planned, we will start the demo mid to late summer.

Within NAMES© TeleOrbit®, with our partners acx and Fraunhofer IIS, is developing an indoor-outdoor-emergency solution which combines our emergency service MODIS® and the ViciOne home automation system of acx and adds to those an indoor locating component through Bluetooth-LE-beacons.


Outdoor Sports Event Biarritz

Last Friday, our COO visited the south of France.
He was invited to speak at the Outdoor Sports event which was organised by Eurisy and the Departement 64.
If you follow the link, you will find all the information about the event as well as all the presentations and photos.…

In addition, a “Storify”-page has been set up, bringing together all the tweets about the event. Eurisy, the Departement and several attendees and speakers tweeted “live” from the event.…



Bienvenue from Paris (CDG Transit)!

Our COO is on his way to Biarritz to attend the Outdoor Sports Conference hosted by Eurisy. He was invited to speak in the last session of the event which addresses security and responsibility in outdoor sports and possible improvements satellite information/data can make.

The session is organized as a “matchmaking-event” and combines two speakers, one from the industry and one from a sports or rescue organisation. The speakers will discuss problems and how technology can help solve these issues. The talk will be supported by a moderator and an experts panel and hopefully encourages interesting discussions which help both partners and the audience.


TeleOrbit® part of the European Commission Consultation on new Space Strategy for Europe in Prague

The European Commission (EC) had invited our managing partner to take part in the “Consultation on new Space Strategy for Europe”, which took place at the European GNSS Agency (GSA) in Prague on 09.03.2106. He was invited to present the opinion of an internationally acting SME. Together with TeleOrbit®, 9 European companies from 8 different countries were given the opportunity to hold a speech in which they presented their strategies and position.

The questions asked by the EC spanned over seven core issues:

1) in which areas could the EC/GSA extend their help to the industry/ SMEs,

2) the usage of Galileo with regard to the 112 call,

3) the Usage of Galileo to synchronize power and communication grids,

4) experiences with EU-research-programs such as Horizon 2020,

5) protection of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR),

6) usage of Galileo in receiver-chipsets, and lastly

7) intensified cooperation with the USA, Russia, China, Japan, India, etc.

During the presentation it became clear that TeleOrbit® is in great accordance with the European space industry and other SMEs.

If you are interested in the event, please send us an e-mail. We would then send you the presentation of the event.


News on our project with INTEL, Honda Research and TomTom

As you may have read, we recently started an interesting project. The official website for the project went online yesterday.

There you will find all information about the project and the consortium.

This project is the ideal base for TeleConsult Austria and TeleOrbit to enter into the automotive industry.

In future, all relevant project-progress will be shared on the website as well. Therefore, it might make sense to check it regularly!


TeleOrbit wishes you and your loved ones happy holidays and a successfull 2016!



Collaboration of TeleOrbit® and Elena Geo Systems established in the Indian market

No Images found.

September 2014

TeleOrbit® and Beijing Autosoft JiTong Information Technologies agree upon a strategic co-operation in sales and marketing of SATNAV technologies in China


TeleOrbit® is an exhibiting company at the Certification of GNSS Systems & Services Conference CERGAL 2014 in Dresden, Germany


TeleOrbit® is an attendee at the European Space Solutions conference in Prague, Czech Republic

European Space Solutions Prague

May 2014

TeleOrbit® and Limmex AG, Zürich, Switzerland, sign an agreement on the distribution of Limmex emergency watches in Germany and Austria.

April 2014

TeleOrbit® and Helios Global Technologies Ltd, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, agree on a strategic marketing and sales alliance for SAWOS®-technologies and SAWOS®-solutions in North-America. The cooperation includes joint German-Canadian cooperation projects in the framework of EUREKA.


Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen Seybold, CEO of TeleConsult Austria GmbH, a sister company to TeleOrbit GmbH, wins the Best Presentation Award for the ARGUS presentation introduced at the ION GNSS+ 2013 in Nashville, Tennessee, USA


TeleOrbit® is an exhibiting company at the ION GNSS+ 2013 in Nashville, Tennessee, USA


TeleOrbit® wins the Telematik Award 2013 presenting SAWOS® in the category “Digitale Begleiter (digital companions)”.

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