Press Release


Collaboration of TeleOrbit® and Elena Geo Systems established by intro-ducing the safety– and security system MODIS®-Drish to the Indian market

On the occasion of a industry seminar in Kolkata India, Daniel Seybold, Head of Products and Services of TeleOrbit GmbH, Nürnberg Germany, visited the Indian business partner Elena Geo Systems at Kharagpur for 10 days in July 2015., a project of the European GNSS agency GSA, promotes the collaboration of the European GNSS industry and companies from the Asia-Pacific region. organizes GNSS seminars, workshops, round table conferences, and thematic events. These key events offer unique opportunities to get involved in net-working activities, to benefit from cross-continental matchmaking services, and to establish contacts with local stakeholders. European companies´ GNSS applications can be presented to local users, and industrial partnerships can be explored.

On this occasion, TeleOrbit and Elena Geo Systems (EGS) introduced their collabora-tion to a high-ranking audience. MODIS®, TeleOrbit´s safety and security system for persons of any age, has been adapted to the Indian market, and will be marketed by EGS as MODIS®-Drish. During the seminar a long term testing phase of this alarm and emergency system was launched with Jindal Steel and Power Ltd.

Subsequently, both companies supervised the system installation on testing devices at the Jindal Patratu site. During the following five days, the functionality of MODIS®-Drish was tried out in diverse working scenarios. For three months, 50 em-ployees will test the alarm and emergency system under miscellaneous operating conditions.

At the end of the trip, the business partners presented the safety and security sys-tem MODIS®-Drish to DMT Consulting Private Ltd., Kolkata. The German DMT GmbH & Co. KG is part of TÜV-Nord Group, and operates amongst others in India´s mining business. The dialog will be intensified in the near future.

Beginning of August, intense discussions of several day´s duration will take place at Tata Steel Ltd., Odisha India. EGS will present MODIS®-Drish to the management and will define customer´s requirements.

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TeleOrbit GmbH

An experienced Locatineering© enterprise, TeleOrbit GmbH operates as a manufacturing and sales company for GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) and mobile positioning technologies as a core business. A highly qualified staff and the co-operation with well-known companies, as e.g. Fraunhofer IIS and TeleConsult Austria GmbH, guarantee professional and efficient solutions for SATNAV-Technologies and Locating Solutions.


TeleOrbit® supports companies by developing and realizing ideas for new proposals and projects in the field of satellite navigation. A specialist in GNSS, we bring globally available satellite technology to people – through innovative applications, products and new services for companies and their customers. GTEC© (high-end GNSS radio frequency front-end) offers up to 3 simultaneously sampled radio frequency (RF) reception chains. TOPAS© (modular GNSS HW/SW-platform) represents a perfect development environment for rapid prototyping of GNSS-based seamless positioning solutions.

Locating Solutions

TeleOrbit® elaborates customized solutions in the field of mobile locating technologies. Our competence ranges from distress call, search & rescue and assistance services for private mobility, tourism, safety and security at work to surveillance of goods transport. MODIS® (private mobility service), SAWOS® (commercial system for safety at work and security), SAR-Alpine© (alpine emergency and rescue service), GEOCorridor® (dynamic route surveillance for persons and goods) and GeoTRACKER© (GPS-based system for vehicle tracking) are professional and efficient products and services we have developed and delivered for our partners.

Business activities

TeleOrbit®‘s professional consulting services support companies from all over the world with precise positioning, navigation and communication. This includes the definition of system architecture and software development, technology analyses, market and business plan analyses as well as proposal, project and quality management for commercial, ESA (European Space Agency), and EC (European Commission) projects.

Press Contact

TeleOrbit GmbH
Daniel Seybold | Head of Products and Services
Phone: +49 89 4545 4461 | Fax: +49 89 5682 5468
E-mail: | Web:

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