The GEOCorridor®-function allows the implementation of individually tailored protected or prohibited areas or even corridors of motion, such as predefined patrol routes or working areas. It offers additional safety through an automatically activated alarm on entering or leaving these zones. Both incidents will be reported to the control centre and archived there.
The control centre can define these areas tailored to the specific requirements and can store these data in the MODIS® or SAWOS® system.
MODIS®: The management of care homes or relatives can define customer tailored security or protection areas for every resident as a basis for safe and efficient daily routines.
SAWOS®: According to the client’s request, the control centre can individually define internal or external patrol routes and/or the premises to be guarded. The GEOCorridor®-function supports the definition of any kinds of areas, routes or paths.
For further information, please send an e-mail to: info@teleorbit.eu