Technologie |
Since 2009, TeleConsult Austria GmbH is a strategic business partner of TeleOrbit GmbH and the licensor for SATNAV software products (GNSS signal simulation, software receivers, etc.), and SATNAV based services. |
Since 2009, Fraunhofer IIS is a strategic business partner of TeleOrbit GmbH. FhG IIS is the licensor for SATNAV technologies (GNSS front ends, receivers, and transmitters), and SATNAV projects. |
To expand its GNSS support, IZT GmbH announced 2016 the cooperation with TeleOrbit. As first result of this agreement the generation of GNSS signals provided by the GIPSIE® software from TeleOrbit® will be integrated into the feature set of the IZT S1000 signal generator. |
Projects |
Since 2015, ACX GmbH is a technology partner for eHome / smart home systems in TeleOrbit®´s ZIM-project “NAMES©”. |
Since 2014, avendi Senioren Service GmbH is the first major customer for MODIS®, and since 2015 the business partner for social management in TeleOrbit®´s ZIM-project “NAMES©”. |
TeleOrbit® and Hakisa agree on a technology partnership to implement MODIS® as emergency call system in Hakisa social media platforms, in 2016. |
Since 2015, wbg Nürnberg GmbH is the business partner for housing industry in TeleOrbit®’s ZIM-project “NAMES©”. |
Marketing & Sales Partners
TeleOrbit® und Beijing Autosoft JiTong Information Technologies vereinbaren 2014 eine strategische Kooperation für Marketing und Vertrieb von SATNAV-Technologien in China.
The contracting parties intend a long term partnership targeting at successively expanding distribution, presence, and merchandizing of TeleOrbit® products in the Chinese Market. |
TeleOrbit® adapts SAWOS®-Alarm as a lone worker system to intrinsically safe ATEX, IECEx, and NEC & CEC certified ecom instruments smartphones (e.g. Smart-Ex® 01) in hazardous surroundings, and is accepted as system partner by ecom instruments in 2015. |
In 2015, TeleOrbit GmbH and Elena GeoSystems Pvt Ltd located in Kharagpur, West Bengal, India, sign a strategic co-operation agreement on marketing and sales in India. MODIS® was adapted to the Indian market and is put to the market there as MODIS®-Drish. TeleOrbit® is hosting a server in Germany for Indian customers only.
Additionally, Elena GeoSystems is our contact regarding SATNAV products for the Indian market. |
In 2014 TeleOrbit® and Helios Global Technologies Ltd, Canada, agreed a strategic alliance for marketing and sales of SAWOS®-technologies and SAWOS®-solutions in America. The cooperation includes joint German-Canadian cooperation projects in the framework of EUREKA.
In 2014 TeleOrbit® closes an agreement with Limmex AG, Switzerland, for the distribution of Limmex emergency watches in Germany and Austria. |
WISE SYSTEM and TeleOrbit® sign a strategic co-operation agreement in 2014. WISE SYSTEM from Seoul, South Korea, is engaged in trade and distribution of GNSS and mobile positioning technologies in South Korea. The contracting parties intend a long-term partnership targeting at successively expanding distribution, presence, and merchandizing of TeleOrbit® products in South Korea.
The agreement includes all TeleOrbit® GNSS technology products i. e, GIPSIE®, GTEC©-RFFE, and TOPAS©. |
Service Partners
TeleOrbit® and Telekom Deutschland GmbH signed a co-operation agreement to establish a long-term commercial co-operation for the benefit of both sides. It is focused on coordinated joint marketing activities of the respective products. |
TeleOrbit® and Talk-IP GmbH sign a marketing and sales agreement to establish a long-term commercial co-operation on systems for lone workers. Talk-IP´s PTT (push to talk) and TeleOrbit®´s smartphone solution are offered as a combined system solution. |
TeleOrbit® and ERGO Versicherung AG, represented by ERGO Victoria, designed insurance models for our delivered mobile devices. |