(c)2016 European Commission

From Sept. 26 to Sept. 28, our CEO attended the HORIZON 2020 Stakeholder Consultation Workshop, which took place in Brussels.

The workshop was divided into six different sessions: EO (earth observation), space tech, in-orbit demonstration/validation and access to space, space science and space environment, EGNSS – focus on applications and market uptake, and EGNSS – infrastructures, mission and services.

Two to three panels and additional, framing talks about the context and orientations or the overview of (European) associations of stakeholders turned each session into a valuable, compact experience that gave the participants an in-depth view of each topic.

Our CEO spoke in session six, panel 6.2 “Mission and Services” and talked about the evolution of EGNOS (European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service), focusing on EDAS (EGNOS Data Access Service).

The most important results of the discussion were the following:

  1. EGNOS should be further extended to the north (arctic regions), the east (Ukraine), and the south (Africa). Here, not only the RIMS-network is considered but also the EGNOS SiS coverage (Galileo 2nd generation) with EGNOS payload or a regional component using IGSOs (Incline Geo-Synchronous Orbit)
  2. EGNSO V3 includes Galileo, GPS and GLONASS and uses two frequencies (L1 and L5). EGNOS V4 should include additional constellations, e.g. Beidou, and should be extended to three or four frequencies.
  3. EDAS is an important component for rail, automotive, LBS and security. The EDAS offer should contain additional data products, e.g. information to correct “tropospheric errors”. The panelists and audience discussed that local services could contain additional information about jamming or spoofing attacks to issue warnings to the user and enable him/her to compensate the attack.

If you follow the link you can view and download the presentation, our CEO gave at the workshop: Dropbox